
Thursday 7 July 2011

Reflecting on Music Video Challenge

Overall I think that our 'In the Sun' music challenge was a success. I think that as a class we all really got involved, and worked well together even though we all had different job roles. Everyone was prepared for filming, and were organised when bringing in props or other useful equipment. We also often gave eachother constructive criticism throughout, for example if somebody was forgetting a certain dance move or filming a shot at the wrong angle then someone else in our class would address this and we would overcome the problem. If I'm honest I think that this is the best my class has ever worked as a group, as we all came together and no one messed around and we individually contributed something. Everyone played their part extremely well, especially Nathan who was our male lead role as he really studied the posture and body language of the lead male which made his character really believeable in our music video.
Something that we could have improved on was time management, as even though we all got on with it and worked well it still seemed to take us a fair amount of time and we ended up overrunning. I think this is important to improve on when creating our own individual music video as this could result in us falling behind in our filming and then having less time to edit our film to our best ability. Another thing I wold suggest for us to improve on is the steadiness to our shots, as some were extremely shaky. This was because we didn't bring a tripod, and therefore that is another thing that we could have improved on as if we don't always come fully equipped then we're not going to be able to perform to our best ability.
However overall I think that the positives out weighed the negatives as this was a good practice for when we film our own music video. We were able to learn from mistakes that we made to help us in the future for when we start creating and filming for our own music video.

My Job roles

One of my job roles that I was given was to organise the music for filming. I worked with my partner Tom and we planned what shot went with a section of the song. Once we planned this we handed it out to everyone in our class, so they were able to have a copy of their own.

I realised that neither me or Tom had a portable CD player or a blank CD that we could use, so I emailed our Media technician and asked if we were allowed to borrow a blank CD and if he knew where we could borrow a portable CD from. Luckily he was able to lend us both for when we were filming our music video.

My other role was to film two shots in our music video, which took a lot of patience as I had to make sure that the framing of the shot looked good, as this was everyones music video and not just my own. I really enjoyed being behind the camera as it gave me an insight into what directing was like, even though I filmed the majority of my thriller opening sequence during Year 12. However, filming a music video is slightly different as you have to make sure everyone is in time with the music, and that everyones lip syncing is on point. It was also fun re-shooting it a couple of times as it then gave you a variety of shots to choose from with allows your shots to be of a high standard.
Here are a few shots that I filmed.

My final role was being one of the dancers in the music video. I feel that this role especially went really well as me and the other dancers were really committed as we met up numerous times during our free time to learn and teach other the dance. Our choreographer Charlotte was especially committed as she took great time in learning the dance to teach us all. On the actual day of filming our music video everyone performed with great enthusiasm and performed the routine correctly. Even the shy people within our dance felt comfortable dancing in front of the camera and others around them, which I think proves how well we all worked together as everyone felt comfortable with what they were doing.

*Put clip in here*

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