
Friday 6 January 2012

Q4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

I found that using different media technologies for my planning and research posts has really helped me to progress and improve my media skills, as some technologies I wasn't to familiar with and therefore it gave me good practice with testing out the green screen, final cut etc so that when it came to filming and editing my music video I was already familiar and continued to improve my skills from there. Also, I really enjoyed learning the different media technologies, even though at times challenges arised and I was faced with difficulties. However, this only made me more determined to carry on learning and progressing.

Here are a few clips of myself and Charlotte setting up the green screen, and how both myself and Charlotte found this the most challenging, including the editing of our video in final cut.

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Here is a Jing video of how myself and Charlotte were able to improve our media technology skills through using Blogger for our research and planning posts.
 I found Blogger to be really successful for both myself and Charlotte as it helped me to become more creative when addressing my research and planning posts. You were able to display your creative media skills visually rather than just typing up notes or idea's that you wanted to use. This encouraged my idea's for my music video as through Blogger you could upload clips and gifs that you had created to visually show your idea's. Because when you test out your idea's creatively you can get more of a sense as to whether they would work in your music video.

Here is an example of me and Charlotte setting up our tripod in London. I would definitely agree that the use of the tri-pod and my camera helped me to construct my idea's for my research, planning and evaluation stages as I was able to research and plan what shots would be best by physically going out and using my camera. It also helped me with specific elements in a shot such as different angles and whether to use low/high key shots to either capture a specific emotion or body language portrayed by the protagonist or the artist. Not only did these media technologies help me to construct my research/planning/evaluation posts but also gave me an insight and confidence boost with different equipments and therefore I will be able to take this knowledge and skills to university.

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Technology used for Research:

Technology used for Planning:

Technology Used for Evaluation

Here are a few images of me using blogger and final cut. Both of these technologies helped me significantly when constructing my research/planning and evaluation stages. I had never really used final cut in previous years of taking media, and found it to be extremely stressful and challenging to understand. However, once I got the hang of it it was a lot easier to understand, and therefore I found it extremely useful when uploading or constructing mini video's for my blogger. For example, especially for my planning and research stages, I would often make little mini video's of music video's or artists that have influenced me, and would either add voiceovers or YouTube tags to these.
Overall the use of final cut has allowed my blogger to look a lot more create and visual, which really helped me with the different concepts and ideas that I had in mind. Not only that, but when it came to actually editing my music video I was already familiar with some of the tools and therefore I found editing less challenging.


  1. This is a good post but it would be better if the youtube tage lasted longer as i didnt have time to read all of them fully. Also, one of the videos (the middle one) didnt work buyt apart from that its all goood.

  2. I agree with Tom- i couldnt read all your tags! and what you are saying is very valid and it would be a shame if the examiner couldn't either. Can you fix this please Britt. JIN 23/3
