
Tuesday 18 October 2011

Brand Identity

Digipack Ideas
Both myself and Charlotte came up with a creative idea to use for our digipack which would involve us developing our skills in photoshop. We want to take one amazing photo of the location that we are going to film in (which would be London.) We then wanted to edit this photo so that it really stood out and had connotations of our genre. We then came up with the idea that maybe we could take a series of images of Nathan (who is going to be our lead male) and display them like a mini photo shoot. We would like to edit our mini series of photo's so that the vibrant colours reflect our pop/indie genre. 
Lastly, we came up with the idea to print our series of images onto elletrocet, so that when we overlap these images onto our location photo our pictures of our lead male will look as though they are faded, as if he is being consumed by London like in the narrative of our song.

Here are some similar digipack covers that me and Charlotte found when planning our idea's. What we also need to include into our digipack is the title of our artist and the name of our song. We especially liked the idea of having the series of images and then the artists name in the centre, so that it really stands out and is therefore going to be the image that attracts them. However, when taking a second look they'll see the mini series of photo's and become intrigued. I think that this will be a clever approach to use for our digipack, however we are still discussing our different idea's.

I really enjoyed choosing our ideas for our font, as me and Charlotte both knew what image we wanted to portray, therefore we had considered the size, style and boldness etc. Above are the five selections that we were mostly interested in, with our chosen artists name. We decided on Frank because we wanted something simple for the first name, nothing to dramatic or extreme. This is because we want our audience to be able to relate to our artist, therefore by giving him a realistic name makes him more relatable.

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