
Tuesday 4 October 2011

Image Annotation

The image of my groups artist is influenced by the artist of the song that we have chosen who is 'Ed Sheeran.' We chose to base our artist around Ed Sheeran as he has such a unique way of performing and a real eye for pulling at peoples heart strings when he creates his music video's. All of his video's have a powerful narrative, and that is definitely something that we like to achieve when filming ours. However, in his video's he only appears for about 10 seconds, and we would like our singer to appear more frequently, taking on more of a main role.

When Ed Sheeran performs he's very artistic and creative, as whenever he performs he only ever has his guitar and loop pedal and never any backing singers or a band. This allows his performances to become quite intimate and extremely interesting as he is forever doing something. I think that this is very key when filming our music video as the intimate vibes are developed and portrayed through his music. He's always in baggy clothes and has scruffy hair which connotes how important his music is to him. I think that this is also key for our video as he's always seen as such an ordinary artist who worked his up from busking in the streets of London. This gave me and my group the idea of perhaps filming our music video in a location that is rife for tourism and perhaps having our lead male role busking. This connotes extremely well with our song called 'The City' which is all about someone moving to London for the first time and trying to make a name for themselves but struggling with their new life. Therefore I think that me and my group would represent our artists as being quite vulnerable and naive in comparison to the streets of London.
Ed Sheeran also is known for the colour orange and a pawr as his trademark, as they both represent his firey ginger hair.

However, the image annotation to our music video is vital, and we feel as though the one thing that Ed Sheeran lacks in is being a fashion icon. Male pop artists need to follow the stereotype as to what is being expected of them and dress relevant to their genre. Therefore me and Charlotte went away and viewed some pop music video's and made a short clip of their fashion sense and the personality that they bring to their performance.

Not only did these short clips from the pop music video's helped us to decide on our costume but also helped us to plan the body language, posture and facial expressions our artist will need to portray for our music video and for our CD cover photoshoot. One specific thing that I noticed was that in every video eye contact with the audience is vital, therefore me and Charlotte must ensure that our artist does this when lip syncing.

Me and Charlotte chose to base our lead males fashion image around Topman clothes. We chose Topman as it is currently very popular amongst boys both young and older. This means that it is affordable for the majority of our audience that we are trying to target, and therefore it's easier for our target audience to relate and aspire to be like our male role.

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