
Friday 16 September 2011

Ed Sheeran 'The A-Team'

Ed Sheeran fits into the genre of Pop, however this music video doesn't contain all the typical conventions of a Pop video. The whole video is in black and white, which creates a very dark,eerie mood. However, it fits with the meaning and lyrics of the song well. There is a range of interesting camera shots used within this video, including close-ups, long shots, and over the shoulder shots. This adds to the suspense and exitement of the video and gives different points of view of the frame to the audience. There is also very good effects used in the video, especially when the girl is sat on the floor and everything around her is moving fast. This gives the viewers an understanding of what her life is like and how she feels, which helps to generate sympathy for the character. Costume is also another aspect which makes this video succesfull as it shows the viewers exactly what this character is like and what the video is about.
Here are some key scenes in this pop music video.
As I mentioned previously this pop video does go against the stereotype of the conventions of a pop video. Pop video's generally create an over dramatic, happy feeling whereas this has an eerie sadness about it. The editing in this scene emphasises this, but I cut out this particular scene as this editing is something that I would like to try for when I create my own music video. By speeding up the background image of the city and the people of London, this connotes her loneliness and how everyone is moving forward or are busy doing something with their lives, whereas she's trapped in a world fuelled by chaos and drugs and is never going anywhere. Also I think that the contrast of the black and white colours also emphasises the seperation between herself and the rest of the world.

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