
Monday 26 September 2011

Pop Music Video Questionaire Results

These results show the age of  the person that took our questionnaire. As you can see the ages between 14-17 were our most popular age group which is good because that is the age group that we are trying to target with our music video, therefore our answers will be extremely relevant and useful when planning and preparing for our pop music video. However pop music does still target other age groups so the answers from the 18's+ will also be extremely useful.

These are the results from what genre people most enjoy. Our results show that pop, R&B and rock are the most popular within our age range. Therefore our music video is likely to be more of a success as we are clearly targeting the right age groups. However, the song that we have chosen does have a rock vibe to it, so by combining both of these aspects it will hopefully be more of a sucess with our target audience.

Our third question was 'how does a pop music video make you feel?' As you can see from our results the majoirty of people taking our questionnaire either says happy or extremely. Therefore this gives me and my group a heads up that vibrant colours, an upbeat tempo and a good narrative will probably be efficient for our music video for us to reflect a happy mood.

This question was worded slightly differently to our others. We asked people how important music was in their life from scale of 1-5, with 5 being the most important. Half of the people that were asked this question answered 5, which was being extremely important. The age group that we are targeting are clearly passionate abot their music and therefore I think that it's important that we construct a powerful narrative that will intrigue our target audience.

We asked our audience what platform that they play their music on. Even though the majority said iTunes, Youtube was still very high up their. As our target audience is young they may not always be able to afford songs from iTunes, therefore they'll probably end up going on Youtube to listen to music where it's free, and this will help to promote video's.l

We asked how often our audience watch music video's. Over half replied everyday. Youtube is currently one of the most used internet sites and is great promotion and publicity for artists, so if someone is listening to music everyday I highly doubt that they are downloading music everyday because that would cost a fortune. Therefore you could assume that they go onto YouTube to listen to some of the music, and this promotes the music video so it is key that you create a music video that really engages your target audience.

Finally, we asked what people look for most in a pop video. A majority of people said that they most look forward to seeing the artist, so aswell as having a strong narrative it is also key to include your artist in the music video. Another high factor was dancing, which me and my group are going to incorprate into our video in quite a quirky way instead of just an obvious dance routine shoved infront of our audiences. Location, the song in general and costumes were also one of the highest factors of our questionnaire. As me and my group have already started preparing for our music video it's quite hand that the name of our song is filmed in the name's location, connoting the lyrics and narrative of our story.

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